Porfolio Construction
BERYL PORFOLIO CONSTRUCTION Our analysts closely monitor various asset classes and global macro developments in order to determine which hedge fund strategies offer the best risk-rewards for the next 6-18 months. We take a global macro view of investing and opportunistically look at every idea that comes along, across every asset class and strategy. It is the combination of this top-down approach with a bottom-up manager selection that enables us to build high-conviction portfolios.
BERYL PRO-FORMA CUSTOMIZED PORTFOLIOS are structured to meet clients' parameters: (1) Target Return (2) Volatility (3) Liquidity and (4) Investment Horizon. After we identify which strategies are capable of generating alpha over the business cycle, we analyze the managers that should do well in light of our macro and thematic views. We then run our optimizers to construct client specified risk-return portfolio objectives.